Connexion Pointe® Online Help
Members, BYOI and Non-Member TutorialsMembers Taking Savant Interviews
Taking Pointe® Savant interviews is easy! This tutorial will walk you through each step.
1. The Pointe Savant® Gateway

All Pointe Savant® interview links lead to the Pointe Savant® Gateway. Only Pointe Profile® users can participate in screening events created by Pointe Savant® users. Since you’re already a member, click the “Sign In” button in the green square on the right.
2. Log In | Connexion Pointe

The login page appears.
1. Enter your username.
2. Enter your password.
3. Click “Log In”.
3. Connexion Pointe® Interview

The system logs you in and finds your screening event.
4. Optional – Upload a Photo and Resume

Reading these instructions is optional if you’ve already covered this material while setting up your profile account. Skip to the next section “Savant Interview Starting Page” if you don’t need a refresher.
If you have a Pointe Profile® user account but haven’t added a photo and resume to your account, you’ll be prompted to add one here. The instructions are identical to those previously mentioned, but I’ll add them here as well for your convenience.
1. Your resume must be in PDF format and no larger than 5mb. Your photo must be in JPG or JPEG format, 180 pixels X 180 pixels and no larger than 500kb. If you have these files ready, click “OK”.
2. If you do not have them ready, click the “Upload Later” button to exit the screening event.
4.1 Upload Your Resume.

The system will prompt you to upload your resume first. Your resume must be in PDF format and can be no larger than 5mb. To locate your resume click the “Browse” button.
4.2 Navigate to the PDF file.

1. Navigate to the correct file, select it
2. and click “Choose”.
4.3 Use the Correct File Type!

1. The file you select will appear here. If the file type is incorrect, the field will show a red outline.
2. To review the problem with your file, just hover your mouse over the exclamation mark, and the problem will be displayed.
3. To choose another file click the “Reset” button, then click “Browse” to start over.
4. When the correct file is selected,
5. click “Save” to upload the file.
4.4 Uploading Progress Bar.

The system will show a progress bar while your file uploads.
4.5 Resume Uploaded.

1. When your file successfully uploads, the system will let you know.
2. Click “Next” to upload your photo.
4.6 Upload Photo.

1. Uploading your photo is exactly like uploading your resume. To select a photo from your hard drive, start by clicking the “Browse” button.
4.7 Navigate to the JPG or JPEG file.

1. Navigate to the correct file and select it
2. then click “Choose”.
4.8 Click Save.

1. The file you selected will appear here.
2. Click “Save” to upload the file.
4.9 Photo Uploading Progress Bar

The system will show a progress bar while your file uploads.
4.10 Photo Uploaded.

When your file successfully uploads, the system will let you know. Click “OK” to close the window.
4.11 Loading the interview start page.

The Savant Interview Starting Page loads.
4.12 Ready To Interview!

When your interview loads, the page should look like this.
Click “Let’s Interview” to get started.
5. Allow Access to Your Camera and Microphone

This part of the process is similar to the practice interview and recording your own interview. Click “Record Video” to grant access to your camera and microphone.
5.1 Adjust the camera.

After granting permission, your screen should be similar to the photo above. Adjust your camera angle as necessary. Notice the ideal position simulates sitting across the desk from an actual interviewer.
NOTE: you will not be able to see your face while you interview! Be sure to maintain your position until the interview concludes!
1. When you’re ready, click start interview.
2. To cancel the interview click “Cancel”.
5.2 Start the interview.

The Profile Interview™ application has several virtual interviewers. The interviewer greets you and thanks you for using Connexion Pointe®.
5.3 Troubleshoot

If the character does not speak and appears to be waiting for something for more than 30 seconds or so, you must reload the page.
5.4 Reload the page.

In the top left corner of the Google Chrome browser, you should see the four buttons in the photo above. Click the icon indicated to reload the interview page.
5.5 Loading the interview start page.

The Savant Interview Starting Page loads.
5.6 Pointe Savant® Interview Welcome Page

Again, when your interview loads, the page should look like this.
1. If you’d like to postpone the interview, click “Cancel” and go to step 9.
2. If you’d like to proceed with the interview, click “Let’s Interview” and go to the next step.
6. Taking the Savant Interview

The interviewer greets you and thanks you for using Connexion Pointe®.
6.1 The First Question

1. The interviewer asks you the first question, which
2. also appears as text in the “Current Question” pane.
3. A 5-second countdown begins, giving you a little time to collect your thoughts. This process repeats for every interview question.
Notice the three buttons at the bottom are unavailable while the question is being asked.
6.2 Interview Controls – Repeating a Question

If for some reason you don’t understand the first question or if you make a mistake you can
1. click the “Repeat Question” button
2. The recording stops, and the system deletes the file, and the interviewer repeats the question.
**NOTE: The “Repeat Question” function can only be used TWICE during an interview. After two uses, the “Repeat Question” button is unavailable for the remainder of the interview.
7. Time Indicator (Green)

After the 5 second countdown,
1. the recording begins. You’ll have approximately two minutes to answer each question.
2. For the first 40 seconds of your response, a green indicator displays shown in the “Interview Status” pane. If you finish responding before the allotted time expires, you can advance to the next question by clicking the
3. “Next Question” button.
7.1 Minimum Responses

Note: The minimum response for interview questions is 30 seconds if you click the “Next Question” button before 30 seconds has elapsed, the warning dialog above will appear. The recording does not stop while this warning is on the screen! If you make a mistake, you can use the “Repeat Question” twice during an interview.
7.2 Time Indicator (Yellow)

As you respond to the question, the green indicator changes to yellow, indicating you are more than 40 seconds into your response.
7.3 Time Indicator (Red)

As you continue responding to the question, the yellow indicator changes to red, indicating you have 40 about seconds remaining to complete your response. These indicators display for every interview question.
8. Verifying Responses

After you respond to the final question, the system will check to verify that all of your responses were properly recorded. If you experience network problems or lose your internet connection while performing the interview, some of your responses may not be properly recorded.
8.1 Errors during recording.

If one or more of your responses is not successfully recorded, the system will let you know with a dialog box similar to the photo above. To re-record and missing responses, check your internet connection and click “OK” to try again. The system will only ask you the missing questions in this scenario, and the process will continue until there is a response to all of the questions.
8.2 Interview Conclusion

Once all of the questions have been answered,
1. the interviewer announces the conclusion of the interview and thanks you for your time.
2. The stop sign appears.
9. Postpone the Interview

If you’re not ready to take the interview, you can postpone by clicking the “Cancel” button BEFORE the 3rd question. The dialog box above will appear.
1. Confirm your choice to cancel by clicking “Yes”.
2. To close the confirmation box and proceed with the interview, click “No” or
3. click the “X” in the top right corner of the box.
9.1 Postpone the Savant Interview

If you choose to cancel, you’ll be brought to this page for 15 seconds while the system removes you from the screening event.
9.2 Postpone the Interview

Then you’ll be logged out and redirected to the login page. As long as the screening event is active, you can use the Savant interview link to reaccess the interview.
10. Cancelling a Savant Interview

It’s important to note that using the “Cancel” button in the Profile Interview™ application is different from using the “Cancel” button while taking a Pointe Savant® Interview. In the Profile application, you can not be disqualified from taking an interview that you created yourself. However, when you’re taking a Pointe Savant® Interview, you can be disqualified from taking an interview altogether if you use the cancel button more than once or if you click it during or after the third question is asked.
You may POSTPONE a Savant interview ONCE by clicking the “Cancel” button before you respond to the 2nd question.
If you click “Cancel” during or after the 3rd question is asked, you are permanently disqualified from taking the interview.
WARNING! Disqualifications are irreversible! Connexion Pointe® can not reinstate candidates after disqualification from screening events!
To view the cancel interview process see the next step. To skip it and continue with the interview got to step #14.
10.1 Postponing vs. Cancelling an Interview

Let’s see what these scenarios look like:
If you click “Cancel” before the 3rd question while taking a Savant Interview, and then clicks the “Yes” button when the dialog box above appears, the system recognizes this as a “postpone this interview request” and responds with the “Notice” dialogue box above. Click “OK,” and you’ll be logged out.
10.2 Re-Starting a Postponed Interview

You can still re-start the interview ONCE by clicking the interview link and signing in. When you log back in to take the same Pointe Savant® Interview, the dialog box above appears – click “OK” and the interview will start.
10.3 Disqualification from a Screening Event

If you click “Cancel” again, you are permanently disqualified from taking the interview. You can not restart the interview, and any attempts to do so will land you on the page pictured above. The page appears for 2 seconds, and then you are automatically logged out of the system.
Remember: Disqualifications cannot be reversed!
10.4 Postponing vs. Cancelling a Savant Interview

1. On the other hand, if you click “Cancel” after the 3rd question while taking a Savant Interview, the dialog box above appears.
2. If you’d like to continue with the interview, click “Continue Interview”.
10.5 Postponing vs. Cancelling a Savant Interview

The system gives you a warning that if you click “Cancel” again that you’ll be disqualified, click “OK” and the interview continues.
NOTE: The video is still recording while this is going on and no additional time is granted to respond to the question. It’s always best to be sure you’re prepared to take the interview before you start. Disqualifications cannot be reversed.
10.6 Connexion Point™ Interview

1. If you click “Cancel Interview”, the system recognizes this as a “Cancel this Interview” request, and the confirmation box above appears.
2. To continue with the interview click “Continue Interview”.
3. If you’d like to cancel the interview, click “Cancel Interview”.
4. “Cancel Interview” results in being permanently disqualified from the screening event.
Disqualifications cannot be reversed!!!
10.7 Disqualification from a Screening Event

If you try to re-start an interview after disqualification, you will be denied access to the interview, logged out of the system and redirected to the login page.
11. Google Chrome – Incognito Mode

Google Chrome users that are more concerned with privacy on the internet will be familiar with the photo above. It’s a Google Chrome browser window, running in Incognito mode. Users of Google Chrome can use Incognito Mode with Pointe Profile®. The steps are virtually the same, but there are some differences worth noting.
11.1 Google Chrome – Incognito Mode

Taking a Pointe Savant® interview begins here at the “Take a Savant Interview” page by clicking the “Let’s Interview” button.
11.2 Google Chrome – Incognito Mode

The Savant Interview window opens. If a suitable webcam is detected, the “Record Video” button appears.
Note: This is also identical to the Pointe Profile® interview process.
11.3 Google Chrome – Incognito Mode

Google Chrome offers the option of selecting from a list of installed resources. The default settings should be fine. We recommend disconnecting any microphones or web cameras, not in use.
11.4 Google Chrome – Incognito Mode

Adjust your camera angle as necessary. Notice the ideal position is similar to sitting across the desk from an actual interviewer.
NOTE: you will not be able to see your face while you interview! Be sure to maintain your position until the interview concludes!
When you’re ready, click start interview.
12. Done!

Congratulations! You just took your first Savant Interview! The organization will be able to view your contact information, interview responses, review your resume, ask follow up questions using Pointe AskMe™, and send a notification to your Pointe Profile® account when the screening event concludes. The organization has to pay a nominal fee of $5. Now let’s take a look at how to submit your own Pointe Profile® interview for screening events.
Connexion Pointe® Online Help
Bring Your Own Interview (B.Y.O.I.)Bring Your Own Interview (B.Y.O.I.)
The B.Y.O.I. Submission process on screening events starts out exactly like the process of taking a Pointe Savant® interview.
1. A quick note about eligible interviews.

A Pointe Profile® interview becomes eligible when it’s complete and ready to be shared. Practice interviews, partial interviews, and interviews marked private cannot be shared.
1. Notice this interview is displaying a padlock and a delete button on the right and next to the job title. The padlock indicates that this interview is private and is NOT eligible to be shared. It will not appear on the “Bring Your Own Interview” selection page.
2. Notice this interview displays three icons: A “Rolodex card” icon, the “blue earth” icon and a delete button. The “Rolodex card” icon and “blue earth” icon indicate that this interview is not private and is eligible to be shared. This interview will appear on the “Bring Your Own Interview” selection page where appropriate.
1.1 A Quick Note About Eligible Interviews

This is the Bring Your Own Interview selection page. The drop-down menu on the Bring Your Own Interview selection page does not show the interview number or the creation date of your interviews. Because of this, it’s a good practice to delete unused interviews or interviews with same name private by clicking the blue earth icon next to the interview title. The blue earth icon will become a padlock – an indication that the interview is private and not ineligible to be shared. Private interviews will not appear in the list of eligible interviews on the Bring Your Own Interview selection page. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how it works, and what you need to know before you submit your Pointe Profile® interview on a Pointe Savant® screening event.
1.2 A Quick Note About Eligible Interviews

If you would like to take full advantage of your Pointe Profile® submission, make sure your videos are uploaded to your playlists BEFORE you make the interview shareable.
Note: Adding videos to these playlists is NOT required share your Pointe Profile® interview. To learn more about these videos refer to the Pointe Profile® section on Extending Your Profile.
1.3 Added Incentive

When you submit your Pointe Profile® interview, the organization can review your contact information, resume, your custom interview, Experience playlist, References playlist, Insight playlist, ask you follow up questions using Pointe AskMe™, and send a notification to your Pointe Profile® account when the screening event concludes. Organizations are financially and logistically encouraged to allow Pointe Profile® interview submissions for their screening events. They get more screening information, the process is faster, and there’s NO INTERVIEW FEE FOR RECRUITERS ACCEPTING POINTE PROFILE® INTERVIEW SUBMISSIONS!
Interviews must be eligible to be shared, so I’ll start there.
2. All links lead to the Savant Gateway.

Everything starts with the Pointe Savant® interview link, which always leads to the Pointe Savant® Gateway, so when interested candidates click the link, they are redirected here. BYOI is for members only! Click “Sign In” here.
2.1 Where you log in

The login page appears.
1. Enter your username.
2. Enter your password.
3. Click “Log In”.
2.2 To access the Pointe Savant® Screening Event.

The system logs you in and finds your screening event.
3. To the BYOI Interview Page.

If the organization has elected to accept interviews created in the Pointe Profile® application, the welcome page should look like this when your screening event loads.
1. If you’d like to postpone the screening event, click “Cancel”. The system will log you out, and you can try the screening event later if it is still open.
4. Option 1: Take the Pointe Savant® Interview.

If you have second thoughts about submitting the interview you created, and believe your chances of success would be greater by answering the questions that Mel selected for this screening event, click the “Go For It” button. You’ll immediately be redirected to the Pointe Savant® interview and the process of “Taking the Savant Interview” begins.
4.1 Option 1: Take the Pointe Savant® Interview.

To exit this interview click “Cancel”. To start the interview, click “Let’s Interview”.
Note: If you do not have an interview eligible to be submitted for a particular screening event, you’ll automatically be brought to this page to take the Savant interview. Please see the first section of this tutorial for more details.
4.2 Information exchanged when taking the Pointe Savant® interview.

After the Pointe Savant® Interview concludes, the organization will be able to view your contact information, interview responses, review your resume, request follow-up questions using Pointe AskMe®, and send a notification to your Pointe Profile® account when the screening event concludes.
5. Option 2 – BYOI (Bring Your Own Interview)

If you’ve taken the time to create an awesome interview and then enhanced that interview by providing additional video screening content and video testimonials, you can present your unique talent and qualifications by submitting your Pointe Profile® interview! To submit your interview, click the “Bring My Own Interview” button.
5.1 BYOI: Bring Your Own Interview

The Bring Your Own Interview Page opens. This is where you can select the interview you’d like to submit.
1. This is the name of the company, and the position they’re screening to fill. You’ll also see the closing date for the screening event here. If you change your mind, for now, you can make a note of it so you can submit at a later time.
2. Click the upside-down triangle to see a drop-down list of interviews in your Pointe Profile® account that are eligible to be submitted for this screening event. Note: Only eligible interviews that appear in this list.
3. If you change your mind about submitting a Pointe Profile® interview, click “Cancel” to return to the previous page.
5.2 BYOI: Bring Your Own Interview

We have an eligible interview already prepared for Web Content Developer so let’s submit this interview now.
1. Select the “Web Content Developer Interview” in the “Select Interview” field.
2. Click “Submit”
5.3 BYOI: Bring Your Own Interview

The “Confirm Interview Submission” confirmation box opens.
1. To stop the submission, close the confirmation box by clicking the “X” in the top right corner.
2. To proceed with the submission, click “OK”.
5.4 BYOI: Bring Your Own Interview – Thank You Page

The “Thank you for your submission!” page appears. Congratulations, You just made your first Pointe Profile® interview submission!
5.5 BYOI: Bring Your Own Interview – Thank You Page

You can close the window here or click the link circled above to log in to your Pointe Profile® account.
5.6 BYOI: Bring Your Own Interview – Logged Out

This will bring you back to the login page.
That’s it! You’re done!
Connexion Pointe® Online Help
Non-Members Taking Savant InterviewsNon-Members Taking Savant Interviews
Taking Pointe® Savant interviews is easy! This tutorial will walk you through each step.
1. The Pointe Savant® Gateway

All Pointe Savant® interview links lead to the Pointe Savant® Gateway. Only Pointe Profile® users can participate in screening events created by Pointe Savant® users. If you’re not already a member, click the “Sign Up” button in the green square on the right.
1.1 Complete the Short Form

Enter your contact information. This information will also go to the organization, so accurate information is important.
1.2 Choose a username.

1. Your email address will be your username. Enter it here.
2. Verify your email address by entering it here.
3. Click the “I agree to the Terms of Service” checkbox.
4. Click the “Let’s get started” button.
2. Connexion Pointe® Interview

The system logs you in and finds your screening event.
3. Upload a Photo and Resume

Next, you’ll be prompted to upload your photo and your resume.
1. Your resume must be in PDF format and no larger than 5mb. Your picture must be in JPG or JPEG format, 180 pixels X 180 pixels and no larger than 500kb. If you have these files ready, click “OK”.
2. If you do not have them ready, click the “Upload Later” button to exit the screening event.
3.1 Upload Your Resume.

The system will prompt you to upload your resume first. Your resume must be in PDF format and can be no larger than 5mb. To locate your resume click the “Browse” button.
3.2 Navigate to the PDF file.

1. Navigate to the correct file, select it
2. and click “Choose”.
3.3 Use the Correct File Type!

1. The file you select will appear here. If the file type is incorrect, the field will show a red outline.
2. To review the problem with your file, just hover your mouse over the exclamation mark, and the problem will be displayed.
3. To choose another file click the “Reset” button, then click “Browse” to start over.
4. When the correct file is selected,
5. click “Save” to upload the file.
3.4 Uploading Progress Bar.

The system will show a progress bar while your file uploads.
3.5 Resume Uploaded.

1. When your file successfully uploads, the system will let you know.
2. Click “Next” to upload your photo.
3.6 Upload Photo.

1. Uploading your photo is exactly like uploading your resume. To select a photo from your hard drive, start by clicking the “Browse” button.
3.7 Navigate to the JPG or JPEG file.

1. Navigate to the correct file and select it
2. then click “Choose”.
3.8 Click Save.

1. The file you selected will appear here.
2. Click “Save” to upload the file.
3.9 Photo Uploading Progress Bar

The system will show a progress bar while your file uploads.
3.10 Photo Uploaded.

When your file successfully uploads, the system will let you know. Click “OK” to close the window.
3.11 Loading the interview start page.

The Savant Interview Starting Page loads.
3.12 Ready To Interview!

When your interview loads, the page should look like this.
Click “Let’s Interview” to get started.
4. Allow Access to Your Camera and Microphone

This part of the process is similar to the practice interview and recording your own interview. Click “Record Video” to grant access to your camera and microphone.
4.1 Adjust the camera.

After granting permission, your screen should be similar to the photo above. Adjust your camera angle as necessary. Notice the ideal position simulates sitting across the desk from an actual interviewer.
NOTE: you will not be able to see your face while you interview! Be sure to maintain your position until the interview concludes!
1. When you’re ready, click start interview.
2. To cancel the interview click “Cancel”.
4.2 Start the interview.

The Profile Interview™ application has several virtual interviewers. The interviewer greets you and thanks you for using Connexion Pointe®.
4.3 Troubleshoot

If the character does not speak and appears to be waiting for something for more than 30 seconds or so, you must reload the page.
4.4 Reload the page.

In the top left corner of the Google Chrome browser, you should see the four buttons in the photo above. Click the icon indicated to reload the interview page.
4.5 Loading the interview start page.

The Savant Interview Starting Page loads.
4.6 Pointe Savant® Interview Welcome Page

Again, when your interview loads, the page should look like this.
1. If you’d like to postpone the interview, click “Cancel” and go to step 9.
2. If you’d like to proceed with the interview, click “Let’s Interview” and go to the next step.
5. Taking the Savant Interview

The interviewer greets you and thanks you for using Connexion Pointe®.
5.1 The First Question

1. The interviewer asks you the first question, which
2. also appears as text in the “Current Question” pane.
3. A 5-second countdown begins, giving you a little time to collect your thoughts. This process repeats for every interview question.
Notice the three buttons at the bottom are unavailable while the question is being asked.
5.2 Interview Controls – Repeating a Question

If for some reason you don’t understand the first question or if you make a mistake you can
1. click the “Repeat Question” button
2. The recording stops, the system deletes the file, and the interviewer repeats the question.
**NOTE: The “Repeat Question” function can only be used TWICE during an interview. After two uses, the “Repeat Question” button is unavailable for the remainder of the interview.
6. Time Indicator (Green)

After the 5 second countdown,
1. the recording begins. You’ll have approximately two minutes to answer each question.
2. For the first 40 seconds of your response, a green indicator displays in the “Interview Status” pane. If you finish responding before the allotted time expires, you can advance to the next question by clicking the
3. “Next Question” button.
6.1 Minimum Responses

Note: The minimum response for interview questions is 30 seconds if you click the “Next Question” button before 30 seconds has elapsed, the warning dialog above will appear. The recording does not stop while this warning is on the screen! If you make a mistake, you can use the “Repeat Question” twice during an interview.
6.2 Time Indicator (Yellow)

As you respond to the question, the green indicator changes to yellow, indicating you are more than 40 seconds into your response.
6.3 Time Indicator (Red)

As you continue responding to the question, the yellow indicator changes to red, indicating you have 40 about seconds remaining to complete your response. These indicators display for every interview question.
7. Verifying Responses

After you respond to the final question, the system will check to verify that all of your responses were properly recorded. If you experience network problems or lose your internet connection while performing the interview, some of your responses may not be properly recorded.
7.1 Errors during recording.

If one or more of your responses is not successfully recorded, the system will let you know with a dialog box similar to the photo above. To re-record and missing responses, check your internet connection and click “OK” to try again. The system will only ask you the missing questions in this scenario, and the process will continue until there is a response to all of the questions.
7.2 Interview Conclusion

Once all of the questions have been answered,
1. the interviewer announces the conclusion of the interview and thanks you for your time.
2. The stop sign appears.
8. Postpone the Interview

If you’re not ready to take the interview, you can postpone by clicking the “Cancel” button BEFORE the 3rd question. The dialog box above will appear.
1. Confirm your choice to cancel by clicking “Yes”.
2. To close the confirmation box and proceed with the interview, click “No” or
3. click the “X” in the top right corner of the box.
8.1 Postpone the Savant Interview

If you choose to cancel, you’ll be brought to this page for 15 seconds while the system removes you from the screening event.
8.2 Postpone the Interview

Then you’ll be logged out and redirected to the login page. As long as the screening event is active, you can use the Savant interview link to reaccess the interview.
9. Cancelling a Savant Interview

It’s important to note that using the “Cancel” button after the third question while taking a Pointe Savant® Interview will result in your disqualification from taking the interview altogether.
You may POSTPONE a Savant interview ONCE by clicking the “Cancel” button before you respond to the first 2nd question.
If you click “Cancel” during or after the 3rd question is asked, you are permanently disqualified from taking the interview.
WARNING! Disqualifications cannot be reversed! Connexion Pointe® can not reinstate candidates after disqualification from screening events!
To view the cancel interview process see the next step. To skip it and continue with the interview got to step #14.
9.1 Postponing vs. Cancelling an Interview

Let’s see what these scenarios look like:
If you click “Cancel” before the 3rd question while taking a Savant Interview, and then clicks the “Yes” button when the dialog box above appears, the system recognizes this as a “postpone this interview request” and responds with the “Notice” dialogue box above. Click “OK”, and you’ll be logged out.
9.2 Re-Starting a Postponed Interview

You can still re-start the interview ONCE by clicking the interview link and signing in. When you log back in to take the same Pointe Savant® Interview, the dialog box above appears – click “OK” and the interview will start.
9.3 Disqualification from a Screening Event

If you click “Cancel” again, you are permanently disqualified from taking the interview. You can not restart the interview, and any attempts to do so will land you on the page pictured above. The page appears for 2 seconds, and then you are automatically logged out of the system.
Remember: Disqualifications cannot be reversed!
9.4 Postponing vs. Cancelling a Savant Interview

1. On the other hand, if you click “Cancel” after the 3rd question while taking a Savant Interview, the dialog box above appears.
2. If you’d like to continue with the interview, click “Continue Interview”.
9.5 Postponing vs. Cancelling a Savant Interview

The system gives you a warning that if you click “Cancel” again that you’ll be disqualified, click “OK” and the interview continues.
NOTE: The video still records while this is going on and no additional time is granted to respond to the question. It’s always best to be sure you’re prepared to take the interview before you start. Disqualifications cannot be reversed.
9.6 Connexion Point™ Interview

1. If you click “Cancel Interview”, the system recognizes this as a “Cancel this Interview” request, and the confirmation box above appears.
2. To continue with the interview click “Continue Interview”.
3. If you’d like to cancel the interview, click “Cancel Interview”.
4. “Cancel Interview” results in being permanently disqualified from the screening event.
Disqualifications cannot be reversed!!!
9.7 Disqualification from a Screening Event

If you try to re-start an interview after disqualification, you will be denied access to the interview, logged out of the system and redirected to the login page.
10. Done!

Congratulations! You just took your first Savant Interview! The organization will be able to view your contact information, interview responses, review your resume, ask follow up questions using Pointe AskMe™, and send a notification to your Pointe Profile® account when the screening event concludes.
10.1 Activate your account.

After 20 seconds you’ll be redirected to the sign in page. Logging in requires activation first.
11. Activate your Pointe Profile® Account.

After your interview, please check your email.
11.1 Activate your account.

You should receive 3 or 4 emails from Connexion Pointe® as pictured.
11.2 Activate your account.

Locate the “Activate your Connexion Pointe® account” email. This is an activation email that serves to verify that you’re not a robot and that you have access to the email used to sign up for the account.
There’s also an email with your username and password, along with a copy of a receipt showing that you signed up and that your account is free.
11.3 Activate your account.

The account must be activated before you can use it! Click the link to log in.
Your username and password will not be accepted until the account is activated.
11.4 No link?

If you did not receive the activation email, enter your email address and password on the login page. Then click the “[Resend Verification Email]”. Be sure to check your spam and junk mail folders.
Note: You must use the email address provided to gain access to another link. If you entered your email address incorrectly, you’ll need to re-register for a new account with the correct email address.
12. Getting help.

If you have questions about any aspect of using your Pointe Profile®, click the “Help” link which is on the top-left corner of your screen. A new tab or window will open, so be sure that your browser is set to support multiple tabs or windows being open.